Welcome to your NTC representative world outreach operational platform.  From here you will be able to operate your individual, private control module with your directory wall.  Please read and follow the instructions below.

NOTICE FOR NEW NTC Sponsor Guides:  When you login in as an NTC Representative, you will see the site in a different way and have access to many more links and information than those you enroll.  Please take some time to go through the site to become fully acquainted before you invite others.

If you have not done so  Your first ASSIGNMENT will be:  Go to 'Classroom' to follow Manual Construction Instructions. Building your learning manual is essential for the Life In Christ curriculum to follow along with your students and make notes.


Even if you have gone through this curriculum before you must also do this for the benefit of understanding the process that will be required for your students. i.e. prayer groups, churches, social networks and individuals such as loved ones, friends, people you meet or bring to Christ, that you bring into the NTC program and community.



"I am the resurrection and the life. You who believe in me, though you were dead, yet shall you live!"
John 11:25 Come and be revived with resurrection life in His eternal resurrection.  Tune in to radio with chat. Post your prayer needs and comments on the message board for agreement.