Classroom Entry Point
As you proceed through each course and complete each course essay
the next course entry link will spawn and become available.

Important:  You should write your essays on your personal computer using
editing software such as MS Word or comparable.  Afterward, copy and paste
your essay into the essay field for each class in NTC.  This way you have a
backup in case your essay is lost due to a technical glitch.


Prayer Precepts
Prayer Precepts
Praise and Worship Dynamics
Praise & Worship

Enter Regeneration Here

Fruit of the Spirit
Fruit of the Spirit
Triune Man
Triune Man
Oneness of God
Oneness of God
Divine Guidance
Divine Guidance
Authority of the Believer

Health and Wealth
Health and Wealth
101 I Am's
101 I Am's
The Four Phases of the Work of Christ
4 Phases of the
Work of Christ

NTC Level 2
Word Training for Endurance



Part A.  The First Principles of the Doctrine of Christ Heb. 1-3



Part B.  Ministerial Functions



NTC Level 3
The Seed Principle
The Mystery of the Kingdom



NTC Level 4
In-depth Study of the 4 Dimensions of the Work of Christ



Pneuma  VS. Psuche (Spirit VS. Soul)