NTC Student Instructional
How to get started. Please read.
Welcome to New Testament Communications Learning Network.
From here you will proceed to your first class audio/video classroom.
At the end of each class you will be required to type a
review assessment essay of what you have learned along with your own
research on the subject matter. The assessments are required and have a
bearing on the credits you receive. Your assessment essay must be 700 -
1000 words relative to the length or content of the class you are going
Important: You should write your essays on your
computer using editing software such as MS Word or comparable.
Afterward, copy and paste your essay into the essay field for each
class in NTC. This way you have a backup in case your essay is
lost due to a technical glitch.
At the end of each class you will also be prompted to consider a suggested free-will offering unto the Lord given to your NTC sponsor.
First ASSIGNMENT: Go to the Classroom to follow Manual Construction Instructions and progress through the first two courses doing so.
Welcome to the new TSF Community
Find fellowship and support with
fellow believers in Christ!
Start by developing your account
profile for the Directory. There, you
will have the ability to commune directly with fellow Life In Christ students
from around the world in the corporate body of Christ.
Your Personalized Bible Affirmation
Read this out loud.